A tip of the cap to our generous donors!

All-Star Club

Joan DeAngelis
Salvatore DeAngelis
Lauren McLaughlin

Sandra Michael
James Schlesinger
Ryan Carillo

Leadoff Club

Matt Albertson
Michael Bloom
James R. Boyle
Katherine & Mark Carfagno
Charles Cushing
Ralph Durstein
John K. Frisbee
MaryAnn Grassano
Ryan Godfrey
Adel Johnson
Michael Judge
Brett Krasnov

Robert Lillie
Bob Malin
Jennifer OLeary
Matthew Richardson
Joshua Robitzer
Paul Savidge
Ryan Shute
Paul Steinke
Hal Stern
Richard Waldron
Philip Williams
David Winikur
Mathew Zaninovich

Additional contributions from

Michael Antico
Ritamarie Acchione
Theodore J. Burgwyn
Rachel Callahan
Lewis Christman
Louis Cinquino
Keaton Daley
Paul Joseph Deppen
Peter Flanigan
Reuben Ford
Andrew Goodman
Richard Gorelick
Scott Hilliard
Joshua Hyland
Nancy D. Kolb
Charlie Lamb
Brian Leatherberry
Jenni Levy
Michael Levandowski
John Linforth

Natascia Lypny
Richard Mariano
Peter J. Mancuso Jr.
Brian Misiura
Brita Outzen
Justine Philyaw
Bob Racine
Marian Reed
Jason Rhinehart
James Robinson
Abby Rosario
Kristian Saied
David Silcox
Louise Simone
John Paul Spiro
Larry Stein
Elizabeth A. Sullivan
Dennis Whisman
Jeffrey Wuhl
Brian Zick

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